This project involves you creating a flyer for an upcoming concert. It can be a real band, or a fictitious band. It can be for a real concert, or a made up one. There are only a few stipulations:
Flyer must be 8.5 x 11 inches
Flyer must include at least THREE photographs
Flyer must include a band LOGO (making one up gets you brownie points!)
You must use some sort of layer blending modes in this project
Flyer must have the name/address/date/time of the concert on it.
This should be a FUN project! Now, have at it and blow me away with the uber-creativity you're about to unleash!!! You will have all class period tonight to work on these and probably the class period on Wednesday. I will make that decision tonight, after I see how wisely you use your class time. Goof off tonight, you won't get Wednesday to finish them.
• Work on these concert flyers!!!
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