Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Learning basic file management

Today we are going to learn about basic file management. We will be discussing some Mac OS features as well as starting to learn some Adobe features as well. This may seem elementary to some of you, but I assure you, learning the correct ways to deal with file management is crucial. At the end of tonight's class, you should feel comfortable navigating through most of the basic functions of the desktop environment and creating a new document in Adobe Illustrator.

Once you are familiar with these processes, I want you to use your creative talents and make a new illustrator document. You can create whatever artwork you feel comfortable with, as long as you use Adobe Illustrator to do it. Don't worry, these aren't going to be graded on aesthetics. I simply want to see that you are able to create a document, add elements to it, compose (and recompose) your elements and properly save the document. We will be turning these in during our next class.

• Create a letter sized (8.5x11) document in Adobe Illustrator
• Use your creativity and Illustrator to create some sort of artwork
• Properly save your document with it's name in the following format: lastname_first_project.ai
• Turn in your project at the beginning of our next class meeting on January 19th.

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